What’s going on now, you ask? Well, since July 17th is the date on which I started this blog one year ago, I’m going to have a new post up every day that week to commemorate. I’ll even give this event a name: the Nostalgiathon. (I’m so bad at naming things.)

I promise I’m not trying to shamelessly copycat your Summer Megaparty, Matt, I just couldn’t think of anything else to do. Plus I’m only doing it for one measly week instead of like…a whole month. Surely I can manage that, right? (By the way, go check out X-E’s Summer Megaparty. It’s way more awesome than the crap I write.)

So Sunday, July 13th through Saturday, July 19th, there will be a new post (of some kind) every day! I have no problem with taking requests provided you give them to me with enough notice– like, before Sunday would be preferable.

Oh god. I have to go come up with enough material for seven posts now. AGHHHHHH