Okay, as you might have guessed, I’m finally writing about one of my favorite TV shows of all time, Space Ghost Coast to Coast. I know, Space Ghost toes the line as far as being “retro” is concerned, but this is primarily a nostalgia blog anyway, not necessarily a blog about “retro” stuff. So ease up out my face, if you were ever in my face in the first place. Ace. Mace. Race?


SGC2C, as it’ll be referred to for the remainder of this post, was one of those defining shows of my adolescence. (Maybe that’s why I turned out the way I did.) In case you don’t know, it’s a talk show in a very loose sense of the term. Of course, Space Ghost is the host. Zorak, the bandleader and Moltar, the director, are Space Ghost’s former nemeses. He has imprisoned them and forced them to work on his show. The result is the worst best talk show ever. If you’ve never seen it, oh man. You’ve missed out on a real winner if you like off-the-wall, surreal humor.

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